Moonlight Rituals - An Introduction

I’m Lauren the creator of Moonlight Rituals. I wanted to take this time, my first blog post on the site, to talk a little bit more about my new business and what you can expect from it. 

Why the name Moonlight? You might be wondering to yourself what moonlight has to do with skin and esthetics…

There are two reasons I wanted the moon to be the symbol and name for my brand. For one, the moon represents the feminine. Feminine energy is associated with the moon, masculine is associated with the sun. I work out of a collective which has an emphasis on women’s health. I also have a certification in postpartum care and wellness. While I can’t say yet how I will incorporate that into my offerings I hope to one day be able to expand my services beyond skin health to a broader area of women’s health and wellness. Hence, choosing a name that represents the feminine not just beauty and esthetics. I feel it’s also worth mentioning that while I have a focus on helping women and most of my clients are women, I’m open to working with any person, as long as you are a human with skin, that’s my main requirement. 

The second reason I chose the moonlight symbolism does correlate with skincare. Many people do their skincare routine, you know at night, when the moon is usually out. Plus, I always recommend having an evening skincare routine. Even if it’s just as minimal as cleansing and moisturizing. It’s most important to wash away any impurities gathered on the skin from the day and then hydrate and moisturize it before bed. 

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Now that we have that covered, I want to explain a little more about the potions that make up my treatments. I started out in the holistic esthetics realm and that is mainly where I reside and where the basis of my trainings have come from. But I also appreciate living in the modern age and what science and technology have to offer. This mindset is definitely represented in the skincare lines I’ll be using. A little intro to each:

Blissoma Holistic Skin- Founded by STL local Julie Longyear in 2009, this is my natural skincare collection, made with herbs (some grown in a green house right outside St. Louis) and carefully crafted in the city I call home. Once upon a time I worked at Blissoma (for 4 years actually) and have always been impressed by Julie’s commitment to the quality of her ingredients and formulations. What I think you’ll be impressed by: Blissoma is a skincare line with a range of options within it, products for sensitive skin, mature, breakout prone, there is an answer to most all your skincare needs. I also want to mention this bonus, Blissoma has created some pretty awesome professional, customizable herbal mask blends I can use in my backbar during treatments, a win for me (pretending I’m an alchemist) and you (glowing skin)!

Chemist Confessions- Founded by two chemists, Victoria Fu and Gloria Lu. These ladies used to formulate for a large skincare conglomerate but realized they could formulate more efficiently on their own plus work for themselves. Chemist Confessions is pretty straight forward, well formulated, with their “stats” listed on every product clearly and concisely. It’s a small but growing line and I use their products mostly for retail and home care due to their simplicity and efficiency. What I think you might appreciate is not only the skincare that comes from these ladies but the wealth of knowledge they share about skincare ingredients on their website as well.

Storyderm and Isov- (Professional Grade South Korean Skincare)- The world of Korean skincare is unlike anything I’ve seen before. Innovative, lots of research and development with skincare technology you just don’t often see here. Storyderm and Isov are two separate brands and are used in medical spas in South Korea. I searched and searched for lines that were effective, still used natural ingredients but also had a little skincare science mixed into it. These skincare lines are where I landed and I’m so happy I’m here. I use them for my K Beauty Exfoliating Treatments but also blend a few of their standout products into other facials. As I learn more, I hope to slowly but surely add in more options for my treatments and retail. What I think you’ll love about K Beauty: Their exfoliating treatments don’t just dissolve the top layer of the skin off like traditional peels, they rejuvenate the skin as well. Also if you want that dewy, glowy complexion (known as chok chok), K beauty is where it’s at. 


I truly appreciate you being here as I embark on this new journey. If you’ve made it this far it means you took the time to learn more about my new practice. I’m planning on blogging about lot’s of different topics in the future, if you have any topic requests feel free to let me know. If you are interested in working together please check out my services menu or click the button below.